Why Doctors Resist Adopting Healthcare Technology

Even though there are obvious benefits, we’ve witnessed a resistance in some levels that still restrain medical practitioners from involving IT in their practice. Many believe that an issue with automation & computers can disrupt the quality & security of clinical care that will affect a patient. In addition, any inappropriate use of systems can lead to long-term psychological & physical implications.

Read more: https://www.softclinicsoftware.com/explained-why-doctors-resist-adopting-information-technology-it-in-their-healthcare-practice/

Best Electronic Health Records Software in 2022

An Electronic Health Records (EHR) software assists in managing data streamlines the clinical process, and offers a better user experience for patients in the healthcare sector. They improve hospital efficiency, quality of care and reduce medical errors. Thanks to these benefits, they’ve become essential for any hospital. However, you must choose them carefully.

This blog post will talk about the top 5 Electronic Health Records (EHR) Software in 2022 to help you find the right one. Let’s get started!

Role of Information Tech in Serving Patients Better

Healthcare management has become more convenient due to technological advancements. This innovative technology makes the hospital management software more seamless and user-friendly. The impact or role of health information technology on patient safety and care is as varied as the systems and devices now in use.

Read full post: https://www.softclinicsoftware.com/the-important-role-of-technology-in-patient-safety/

Laboratory Information Management System Software Benefits

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is a type of software that enables laboratories to manage samples, test results efficiently, and other associated data to improve the laboratory’s overall productivity.   

It also helps standardise the workflow, procedures, and tests while providing total control of the process. What’s more, instruments can also be integrated into the LIMS to automate the test data collection, provided they are operated and calibrated by the trained staff only.

Read Full Post: https://www.softclinicsoftware.com/how-does-lims-software-benefit-your-labs-productivity-best-lims-software/

Reasons for Data Breach in Legacy Healthcare Software

Cyber thieves are constantly on the lookout for such healthcare centres, hospitals, or clinics operating for a while and are still using hospital management software that has become obsolete. Read the following ppt to know the main reasons of data breach in legacy healthcare software:

Read full post: https://www.softclinicsoftware.com/how-age-old-healthcare-systems-can-lead-patients-data-or-medical-facilities-at-high-risk/

What Changes Expected in Healthcare Sector After Covid-19

People expressed fear and reluctance in visiting healthcare centres and their expectations with respect to their safety at the centre also increased. As a result, a new set of problems and opportunities got listed for healthcare management. It became essential for healthcare centres to market themselves as ‘ COVID-19 safe’ and parallelly meet the newly developed patient’s demands and expectations.

Read full post: https://www.softclinicsoftware.com/changes-in-health-sector-consumer-behaviour-post-covid-19/

Tips to Reduce Waiting time in Your Clinics

The better patient experience is the key to success in this pandemic. Once the patients are in your waiting room, every comfort and discomfort they experience is your responsibility. They should be managed the moment they come in and until they leave your doors. Read the following presentation to understand how to reduce waiting time in your clinics to offer a better patient experience.